1996 acura integra
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Comment: 1996 acura integra Want greenhouse
8. 28, 2009 at 9:11.
” -What is the best source for automobile production numbers by make/model? Im not interested in sales, only production. ”
Comment: 1996 acura integra history lifespan
11. 8, 2009 at 2:46.
” -Looking for a basic GPS for an automobile and maybe one that can be mounted on the handlebars of a Harley if possible (not necessary though). I dont need the voice command and all the frills and thrills that I probably would never use anyway. Preferably $200.00 U.S. dollars or less. ”
Comment: 1996 acura integra system when
1. 24, 2010 at 10:16.
” -When you buy and sell cars , without actually transferring the car into my own name, what process do I have to follow? Thank you for any advice ”
Comment: revert 1996 acura integra top
5. 28, 2010 at 7:20.
” -Im turning 18 in a few months, and when I pass my driving test my parents are allowing me to choose what car I buy, though the budget is 8-9K. Ive been looking at some luxury cars, but is that too far a stretch for a budget like that? I was looking into the Lexus IS series, but I heard theyre just Toyota Camry ripoffs or whatever. So is there a good car (luxury, if possible) that fits in my budget and looks pretty decent? Im a car newbie here, so any tips/help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. ”
Comment: 1996 acura integra human models
1. 17, 2010 at 13:21.
” -Cars with good gas mileage, wnad what is their stricker price used and new ? names so I can just look them up on kelly blue book value ? ”
Comment: 1996 acura integra sun problem
1. 23, 2009 at 13:56.
” -Please list all the GM cars that had this engine. ”