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2. 21, 2010 at 22:28.
” -Since there are Masculine cars, and Girly cars, and Grandma cars, and Parent cars, and Soccer Mom mini vans, etc. I was wondering if there are actually cars which look gay, and that gay guys, or Lesbians prefer to buy or drive. Any thoughts on the idea? ”
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6. 9, 2009 at 11:30.
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1. 21, 2009 at 16:56.
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2. 27, 2009 at 3:50.
” -Just having fun speculating and such, how much better would the environment get if the world drove electric cars.. would we physically see a noticeable change?.... I mean, this is obviously not possible in the near future, the whole word driving and being comfortable with electric cars wont be reached at least for another 50-100 years, but just to satisfy my curiosity.. how much will this benefit our planet? ”
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12. 22, 2009 at 12:12.
” -I am planning to open a franchise business that specializes in specific types of automobile repair. There are a number of territories in the U.S. still available. What specific areas of the country or cities might ifind the highest percentage of older cars still on the road (assuming that these would be the cars requiring the most frequent repair services)? ”
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9. 27, 2010 at 10:31.
” -Im really interested in it. I cant take a course for it at school yet, though. I also dont know anyone who knows about cars. ”