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Comment: tie acura repair tps code like
10. 18, 2010 at 21:59.
” -I get cars for cheap from friends or finding them and i was wondering how many can i sell in a year without haveing to buy a dealers license. Any information would be helpful! ”
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12. 10, 2009 at 3:47.
” -Are there any good books out there that can start a feller on understanding the basics of automobile repair. Nothing to fancy just stuff a person can grasp and learn some new stuff on. ”
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6. 22, 2010 at 22:26.
” -I was in an automobile accident in November 2006 which I was not at fault.I was hit head on by a driver running a stop sign.The next day I went to the Emergency room for shoulder pain.It was believed that I had whiplash and the pain would go away.The pain did not go away and about 2 weeks later I went back to the ER for a followup and I had Xrays done.After the Xrays an MRI was scheduled and the radiologist found that I had swollen bone marrow in my shoulder from the accident and osteoarthritis had quickly set in.Besides pain and pressure of my shoulder feeling like it was going to fall off, everytime I moved it grinded and was popping.I was sent to a bone/joint specialist and they recommended to excercise it by lifting weights to ease the pain. I went back 6 weeks later (today) for a followup and the pain has stopped but the popping/grinding has not.I will have the arthritis for the rest of my life.The insurance company wants to settle and I dont know a monetary $ value to tell them. ”
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10. 26, 2010 at 21:39.
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11. 4, 2010 at 4:36.
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5. 3, 2009 at 21:1.
” -In my neighborhood there is always some obnoxious car driver beeping their stupid cars and waking me up in the middle of the night!!! What should I do? Egg their cars? Pop my head out of the window and scream at them? Anything else? ”